Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday Night Reflection

Tonight I finished the first of my Non-fiction books, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. It will be one that I reread 3 or 4 times over the next year. It has insights that will allow me to accomplish my list. I also finished up my 1st fiction book, "The Judas Strain" by James Rollins. It was a real page turner. I have enjoyed every one of Rollins' books that I have read so far. I just hope he can get another one published before I finish his latest book.

#8 under Family Guy also fell this weekend. Griffin and I were able to sneak down to the Country Club and hit a bucket of golf balls. For his first time he did great. I however was not much help as a teacher or as an example to follow. But, to him it was a great experience and even if the ball sliced 90 degrees all he saw was how far it went before it hit the ground. So for a brief moment in time I was a great golfer, at least in Griffin's eyes. I'll take it!

I have started out somewhat slow on my list thus far. I have found it takes more effort than I first thought to encourage someone every day. I thought it would be really easy, but at first it took a lot of energy and thought. I have definitely become more aware of the trials others are facing now that I am looking for people to encourage. I will not say that I have been able to do it every day, but I am sure getting better and more consistent.

In celebration of my list accomplishment so far I downloaded a few tunes of itunes today. I chose Mark McKinney's "Are We doing This" and "Comfortable In This Skin" off his album "Get It On. If you love Texas Country like I do, this is a great album. Check out his site at

That's All for Now! Make it a great night!


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day Number 2

It was a typical Monday, well except it was Tuesday, but you know what I mean. We are in the middle of remodeling the office and I am surprised at how the disorganization is bothering me. Kimbra would tell you that I am not usually very organized so I should feel right at home, but there is something about it that bothers me. Any way, as for the challenge I was able to give my daily encouragement to Griffin while he practiced soccer.

I have often heard that writing down your goals is half the battle. Once you have them on paper your subconscious takes over and your mind is suppose to begin mapping out ways to accomplish them. I now believe it whole heartedly. It seems I find my mind drifting to the list when ever it is not actively engaged. I also wonder how my life might have been different if I had started this process 10 years ago. I guess it really doesn't matter much now. The important thing is what direction my life's journey takes from this moment forward. To borrow a line from a country song, I can't wait to see the next 50 years!

Make it a great night!


Monday, September 1, 2008

Day 1

We are back from the lake sunburn free, well almost, and fired up about our list. Kimbra and I talked a lot about how we were going to accomplish our task over the next 1001 days. We both started reading our non-fiction books. I choose to start with an oldie but a goodie, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill and Kimbra started with "The Radical Leap" by Steve Farber. It may be a bonus book for me as Kimbra read a lot of it out loud on the trip home.

The kids are tired and I my self would like a small nap, but I doubt that will happen with the clothes that need to be folded and the other little things we need to do before we are ready for the week. But, the list is well under way. I was able to encourage Kimbra today about her ability to deliver an outstanding customer service talk. We'll see if any more opportunities come up today to cross an item of my list, maybe bake a cake for Kimbra! Make it a great Labor day afternoon.
