Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday Night Reflection

Tonight I finished the first of my Non-fiction books, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. It will be one that I reread 3 or 4 times over the next year. It has insights that will allow me to accomplish my list. I also finished up my 1st fiction book, "The Judas Strain" by James Rollins. It was a real page turner. I have enjoyed every one of Rollins' books that I have read so far. I just hope he can get another one published before I finish his latest book.

#8 under Family Guy also fell this weekend. Griffin and I were able to sneak down to the Country Club and hit a bucket of golf balls. For his first time he did great. I however was not much help as a teacher or as an example to follow. But, to him it was a great experience and even if the ball sliced 90 degrees all he saw was how far it went before it hit the ground. So for a brief moment in time I was a great golfer, at least in Griffin's eyes. I'll take it!

I have started out somewhat slow on my list thus far. I have found it takes more effort than I first thought to encourage someone every day. I thought it would be really easy, but at first it took a lot of energy and thought. I have definitely become more aware of the trials others are facing now that I am looking for people to encourage. I will not say that I have been able to do it every day, but I am sure getting better and more consistent.

In celebration of my list accomplishment so far I downloaded a few tunes of itunes today. I chose Mark McKinney's "Are We doing This" and "Comfortable In This Skin" off his album "Get It On. If you love Texas Country like I do, this is a great album. Check out his site at

That's All for Now! Make it a great night!


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